Discussion appointments are requested by Michael Woods to discuss progress and to make further decisions regarding treatment. In many cases, Michael Woods will have a full half hour discussion with a patient and his/her family in the consultation room. Discussion topics often include:
- Treatment planning
- Orthodontic progress
- Reviewing growth development
- Further examination/discussion of diagnostic records (radiographs, digital scans, CT scans, photographs)
- Management of wisdom teeth
- Jaw joint pain
Parents and patients are free to call at any time to request a formal discussion appointment.
There will be considerable discussion of the presenting esthetic and functional problems and possible solutions at the initial consultation. In many cases, it will be appropriate to commence some sort of active treatment straight away. If the patient and/or family wish to do that, appointments are made to gather diagnostic records (models, photographs and radiographs or other special images) and fit active appliances. In other cases, the patient's name is placed on recall so that future appointments can be made when timing is more appropriate.
In some cases, there will still be unanswered questions after the initial consultation that require the gathering of extra material or the opinions of other general or specialist clinicians. In these cases, a special Discussion appointment may be made - so that further detailed discussion can take place, as necessary. Sometimes that might be done so that the parent who did not bring the patient to the initial consultation is able to see first hand the factors affecting treatment decisions.
Discussion appointments may also be made during treatment to discuss treatment progress - or after braces during the Retention period to discuss the maintenance of bite and alignment or the management of wisdom teeth.
Parents and patients are free to call at any time to request a formal discussion appointment.
Online Clincheck Pre- treatment scan
Online Clincheck Digitally-manipulated set-up